Sunday, 6 March 2016

Kondo Masahiko - Orokamono

Orokamono (Fool) is the 23rd single released by Kondo Masahiko (better known as Matchy), in 1987, two years before his girlfriend Nakamori Akina tried to commit suicide after he cheated on her and broke off their relationship. Fitting title, then.

It was written by Ijiun Shizuka (lyrics) and Inoue Takayuki (composition). Hagiwara Kenichi also collaborated on this song and I highly suggest Youtubing his performance because it is hilarious and he always sounds drunk. Good on you, Kenichi.

Orokamono won the Japan Record Award in 1987. However, someone was not happy about Matchy's nomination and stole the ashes from his recently deceased mother's grave. To this day the culprit nor the ashes have been found. Obviously as this was a completely horrible thing to happen, it's said Johnny's and Associates have since made the decision not to accept nominations for any music based awards (except for 1988, when Hikaru Genji won the award).

Anyhow, this is a great song well deserving of the Japan Record Award, even if parts of the lyrics really do not make any sense. I tried my best with it but I'm not happy with this translation at all, really.

愚か者よ おまえの流した涙を受けよう
愚か者よ 私の胸にほほをうずめて 今夜は眠れよ
身果てぬ夢に男はさまよい 女はこがれる
ルージュを引けば 偽りだけがいつも真実 それが人生


愚か者よ おまえの失くした時間を探そう
愚か者よ 私の腕に夢をあずけて今夜は眠れよ


失くした時間を男は振り向き 女は消し去る
仮面をつけて 快楽だけがいつも真実
愚か者よ 愚か者よ 今夜は眠れよ


I’m such a fool

I’ll accept all of the tears you’ve shed
I’m such a fool
Bury your face into my chest
And sleep well tonight

Women yearn for their unfulfilled dreams
Whilst men get lost in them
Try putting on some lipstick
After all, lies are the only true thing in life
That’s just how life is(1)

Come on, clutch the golden and silver chalice
Filled with the poison of sin and punishment
This fool runs around town
Come here, clutch the golden and silver chalice
And drink the poison of sin and punishment
Right here in the bar of fools(2)

I’m such a fool
I’ll search for the time you lost
I’m such a fool
Leave your dreams in my arms
And sleep well tonight

Come on, clutch the golden and silver chalice
Filled with the poison of sin and punishment
This fool runs around town
Come here, clutch the golden and silver chalice
And drink the poison of sin and punishment
Right here in the bar of fools

Men always look back on the time they’ve lost
Whilst women erase it from their minds
Wearing a mask when facing the world
After all, joy is the only truth in life (3)

I’m such a fool
I’m such a fool
Sleep well tonight Translation Notes

1) This line is more like "when/if you put on some lipstick" but I have no idea what that has to do with the only truth in life being lies. Actually screw that I don't have any idea what it has to do with the next line even in the way I've translated it. I guess the song is meant to be about a guy who broke a girl's heart and so he's telling her to get on with life by putting on lipstick and faking it, as lies are the only way to get through life?

2) I don't even know. I suppose he's getting drunk. In a bar. To forget his pain. This song makes no sense and I am sorry. 3) Technically just says "wearing a mask" but I thought I should specify I think this means putting on a brave face and not literally dressing up like the hulk by using a mask. The same applies here as for 1, too - what has joy being the only truth got to do with putting on a brave face?! In conclusion I don't really understand this song but I at least got to be poetic with the chalice nonsense.

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